Historical Society Minutes

May 01, 2019
Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Historical Society Secretary’s Report 5/1/2019

Attendance: Roger Maxfield, Elizabeth Whitham, Lucy Gordon, Wes Jones, Melissa Moore, Michelle York, Stanley Prescott, Liz LeBrun and Drayce Maxfield. 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30.  The Secretary’s Report was read and Michelle made a motion to accept.  Lucy seconded.  Motion carried.

Lucy reported that the treasury had $331 left for the year with $140 of that going to WiFi.  It was suggested that we buy the membership to AASLH before July 1 to use the remaining money.  AASLH will save us money on the Past Perfect computer program.  The one year membership is probably not something we will need to renew. 

Old Home Day was discussed as to where we will set up and how much help will be needed both inside and outside the building.  A raffle is a possibility and the 2020 calendars should be ready to sell at that time.  Signs for the Historical Society on South Village Road will be ready shortly.

The piano was discussed as it takes too much space.  Nobody uses it or knows who owned it.  Should we try to sell it or move it to the town hall?  Wes Jones made a motion to ask the selectmen if it is ok to move the piano to the town hall.  Lucy seconded.  Motion carried.  Michelle will attend the selectmen’s meeting to ask the question.  

The 501C3 reports will be done before June 30 for the State and Federal requirements.

Roger Maxfield resigned as Historical Society president because of conflict of interest with his position as selectman.  Lucy nominated Michelle York as president.  Stanley seconded.  Michelle was elected unanimously. Michelle resigned as director.  Michelle nominated Roger Maxfield to the position of director.  Elizabeth seconded.  Roger was elected unanimously.  

We discussed how many times per month the Historical Society should be open and a list was passed around for Wednesday volunteers.  Lucy will compose a list of what to do to open and close the building.

Drayce Maxfield is prepping to do a Civil War presentation with original letters in possession of Bradley Stewart.  His goal is to have the presentation ready by fall.  

The passing of Dick Malfait was noted because he was a big part of setting up the Historical Society in Charlie’s Barn.  It was suggested that we get a plaque to memorialize Dick and the other founders.

Wes is intending to purchase a chest of drawers by cabinet maker Joshua Emery circa 1788-1870 which he will purchase and bring to the Historical Society.  

Melissa gave an update on her progress with the book.  Her goal is to have a draft of the early history by the end of the month.

Lucy has been working to organize newspaper clippings and has composed (4) binders.  

We discussed the 250th anniversary and expressed hopes that all Loudon organizations will be involved.  We should go to other towns to view their activities and have something to present at the next town meeting.  We also discussed a time capsule buried at the Center Church.  

June 5 at 6:30 is our next meeting.  Lucy will notify the Ledger to correct our meeting time.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40

Liz LeBrun
