Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 6/5/2019

Attendance: Roger Maxfield, Melissa Moore, Michelle York, Wes Jones, Lucy Gordon, Drayce Maxfield, Deanna Tranfaglia, Liz LeBrun

The meeting was called to order at 6:35.  Mike LaBonte was present to donate a table built in 1902 by his great grandfather.  The Historical Society thanks Mike for his generous donation.  

The Secretary’s Report was read and Lucy made a motion to accept.  Roger seconded.  Motion carried.

Lucy reported that there is $261 remaining in the treasury.  $93 will be left at the end of the fiscal year and it was discussed to offer Wes Jones a $75 deposit on the purchase of a chest of drawers.  

The AASLH membership is paid but nothing has been received to prove membership.  The membership will help us receive discounts for purchase of the Past Perfect computer program.

Melissa reported that she has finished what will be Chapter 2 of the town history book and has emailed a draft to some members for review.  Melissa will work on Chapter 1 next and we discussed what that chapter would include.  

Wes has purchased a chest of drawers and has moved it into the Historical Society.  He would

like to ask Neil English to come and speak about the desk and the chest of drawers at the next 

meeting which we decided would be July 10. The Historical Society will be closed July 3 

because of the July 4 holiday.  Lucy will put that on the website.

Elizabeth Whitham is advocating for a Civil War/Revolutionary War plaque with soldier’s names.  Research should be done on the best way to display that and a proposal should be brought to the Selectmen.  

Drayce is still working on a Civil War presentation with a fall completion goal in mind.  We discussed accepting a donation of American Legion pins and decided they should go to the Legion.  

The new signs for the Historical Society and the Community Building are ready to be installed on South Village Road.

A fundraising letter was discussed for the town history book.  We should gear the letter to those who would make small donations.  Businesses should be approached face-to-face.  

Lucy has started a project to help visitors with a self-guided tour. 

We have not found anyone who is interested in taking the piano.  It is free to any takers.  Melissa will try to make contact with the manufacturer to see if they want it for their museum.  

Wes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35.  Deanna seconded.  Motion carried.

Liz LeBrun
