Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 1/8/20

Attendance: Dyrace Maxfield, DeeDee Tranfaglia, Melissa Moore, Lucy Gordon, Michelle York, Roger Maxfield, Wes Jones, Liz LeBrun

The meeting was called to order at 6:34.  Motion by Lucy to accept the Secretary’s Report as written.  Second by DeeDee.  Motion carries.

Lucy reported that we have spent $1551to date.

Melissa reported that the draft of the agriculture chapter for the town history book was submitted for review.  She will expand the dairy section of the chapter.  She also must schedule a follow-up interview with Eileen Cummings.  

The Historical Society will partner with the library again this year to celebrate Loudon’s birthday. Dyrace will answer questions about the Civil War presentation along with having the video and artifacts available. 

We approached Sharon Drake to see if we could have a table at town meeting to sell calendars.  Sharon will get back to Michelle.  Michelle will pitch the 250th celebration at town meeting encouraging involvement from other organizations.  

Stanley has met twice with Steve Fifield to access how the former town office building could be modified to meet our future needs for a climate-controlled space.  We will hire an architect before any modification begins.  Michelle suggested staying as true to Charlie’s original house as possible.  

We decided to proceed with the purchase of a banner for approximately $20-30.  Dyrace will design and email some ideas.  The goal is to have it finished for town meeting.

Michelle contacted Steve Taylor who confirmed he is available to present a program in April entitled NH’s Long Love-Hate Relationship with its Agricultural Fairs.  The Humanities Council will pay his fee. We will pay his mileage.  

It is confirmed that Past Perfect will be purchased with $1300 unrestricted funds from the State.  We may need to purchase tutorials or external hardware for backup.  

We will move forward with a Civil War plaque at the library veteran’s memorial.  Roger will meet with Perry Brother’s Monument in the spring. 

Lucy has created a tour guide highlighting special items around the museum.  We may want to combine this with a coloring book in the future and discussed putting something in the Ledger to attract a high school senior who needs a project. 

We previously discussed restoring (2) daguerreotypes per year.  Dyrace will follow through to get started.  He also volunteered to follow up on getting the glass slides digitized.  

Some ideas for fund-raising in 2020 were discussed including an ornament for the 250th, and/or a yard sale.  We  have raised money with the sale of calendars and will continue with those. For Old Home Day 2020, we will attempt to rent a space under the tent.  

We need to change from Excel.  Michelle and Melissa recommend Google Drive and will teach Lucy.  

The Boston Post Cane application appeared in the Ledger and will be discussed at the next meeting

The next meeting is February 6 at 6:30 because of a town budget meeting on February 5.  

Roger made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by DeeDee.  Meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Liz LeBrun 
