Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 11-2-22

Attendance: Sandi Noel, DeeDee Tranfaglia, Michele York, Stanley Prescott, Liz LeBrun, Melissa Moore

Michele made a motion to start the meeting. Stanley seconded the motion.

The meeting was called to order at 6:34.

Stanley made a motion to accept the Secretary’s report as written. Melissa seconded.

Melissa reported on the Loudon history book. She is meeting with the publisher on 11/3. Some release forms are still outstanding and she is still working on getting permission for some of the pictures. We need to choose a cover photo and some ideas were proposed. We must have a book group meeting and discuss additional funds for more than 50 pictures.

We discussed a quilt and a Methodist Church record book that were offered to the Historical Society to buy. The group was interested in the record book. We also discussed a recent donation by Jeff Hardy of some architect tools accompanied by his family history.

Michele reported that she has rented 13 ½ tables for the Made in Loudon expo on December 4. We will divide our bake sale between both buildings. The library wants to be involved but we don’t have feedback from them at this time. We need a sandwich board sign to advertise. The tree needs to be decorated. We will meet at 8:30 that day to decorate the room and the vendors will be allowed to come at 9:00.

The safe is ordered and will be delivered the week of January 3.

Stanley showed the group a dowel cutter that he will donate.

We discussed some ornaments that Pittsfield Historical Society has produced.

The next meeting is January 4 at 6:30 pm.

Michele made a motion to adjourn. Stanley seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:38.

Respectfully submitted,

Liz LeBrun, Secretary