Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 3-1-23

Attendance: Stanley Prescott, Liz LeBrun, Lucy Gordon, Michele York, DeeDee Tranfaglia, Roger Maxfield, Sandi Noel, Elizabeth Whitham, Melissa Moore

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Secretary--Lucy made a motion to accept the Secretary’s report as printed. Melissa seconded the motion.

Treasurer--Lucy reported that $2260 was spent leaving $1240 remaining. At this point, only the Wi-Fi remains as future spending.

Town History—Melissa has seen page proofs with pictures on the page. She needs 7 photos for blank pages. She has met with Deidre about marketing and covers. NH Writer’s Project will do some promotion (Melissa is a member) . The book has been proof read and it goes now to indexer. Roger is looking into how we will be able to handle credit card sales. We need to make sure money is all encumbered by June 30 so it does not go back to town general fund.

Travel Trunk--The Travel Trunk grant is closed. Discussion of doing others in the future.

Membership--We discussed membership for out of town residents and whether dues should be charged. This was prompted by a woman who wanted some research on the Sargents and wished to make a donation. Stan mailed her a package. We should change the bylaws for people out of state to pay dues. We should collect email addresses and have information to give people before we make changes. Liz was appointed to do a form on the website for perspective members.

Calendar--A calendar committee was appointed to collect pictures and research ideas. It was suggested that the next calendar be Houses of Pleasant Street then and now. DeeDee, Stanley, Elizabeth and Sandi volunteered for the committee.

Name tags—Roger checking

Volunteer night—will be organized on the 15th . It was suggested to run the DVD’s, bring the calendars and artifacts

Old Home Day—The theme is Happy 250th Birthday. Elizabeth, Roger, Stan, and Michele went to the Old Home Day meeting. Michele will check on a plywood cake that Hillsboro offered for sale.

We discussed selling pewter ornaments and reviewed the quote. It was determined we should buy 250 and have them numbered. It was suggested to auction numbers 1 and 250. Michele will get more information about the size and the necessary deposit.

We talked about scavenger hunt ideas.

The next meeting is April 5 at 6:30. Lucy made a motion to adjourn. Stanley seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.