Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 4-5-23

Attendance: Liz LeBrun, Roger Maxfield, Elizabeth Whitham, DeeDee Tranfaglia, Lucy Gordon, Dustin Bowles, Stanley Prescott, Wes Jones, Melissa Moore

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm

Secretary’s Report--Roger made a motion to accept the Secretary’s Report as written. DeeDee seconded the motion.

Treasurer’s Report--Lucy reported $1188 remaining in the budget with only a $160 Wi-Fi expense upcoming at this time.

Name Tags--Roger showed examples of name tags that could be purchased from Amazon. It was decided to purchase tags if money was left in the budget at the end of the fiscal year in June.

Volunteer Night—The event could use some improvement. Parking was a problem and therefore the crowd was very small. Maybe have it at a different location in the future (perhaps Charlie’s Barn).

Time Capsule—Stan is coordinating the time capsule (old and new) for OHD. Arthur Austin, who was in the Loudon militia that buried it, will dig it up. Arthur has volunteered to get material to make a new one, probably 3-4 feet long. We will display contents of the old one on a table at the Gazebo on OHD. A committee was formed to gather material for the new time capsule. The committee is Stan, Liz, DeeDee, Lucy and Dusty. Liz will contact the school and Young at Heart to solicit items to be buried.

Parade Float—A committee consisting of DeeDee, Michele, Dusty, Melissa and Roger was appointed. It was suggested to ask Ollie Fifield to build a wall on the float.

Games—Michele will coordinate. Dusty has volunteered to donate maple syrup as a prize.

Bake Sale--Lucy will coordinate the Bake Sale and Roger will monitor the Museum.

Scavenger Hunt—The volunteer committee is Stan, Liz, DeeDee, Lucy and Dusty

Church Service—Michele is organizing with Pastor Moe of the Congregational Church.

Banners—Michele sent a sample of a 3 x 8 banner that Staples could produce. It would be outside material with grommets. It was recommended to scratch the line about the Loudon Ledger. Dusty suggested reaching out to Gary Brooks who does things for the town garage to see if he could produce one.

Misc.OHD discussion—The Beard and Costume contest will be scrapped. Stan will see if we can get our activities printed in the booklet. Dusty has spoken with Everett Bailey, a broom maker who would like to demonstrate on Saturday and Sunday with a few sales possible.

Calendar—This year’s calendar theme will be “Homes of Pleasant Street”. Roger showed a sample page that he produced. Wes has pictures of the past and volunteered to take present-day pictures. Marion Jones has a wealth of research. The calendar committee is Wes, Dyrace, Roger, Stan, DeeDee, Elizabeth, and Sandi. Home owners should be informed of the project. It was suggested that the calendars be ready for September.

Ornaments—The order is placed for 250 numbered pewter ornaments.

Town History—Melissa went to the publisher last Wednesday and saw the covers and printer’s proof. A few adjustments were identified. June 1 the book is tentatively due in Loudon. The book committee should meet as there are still questions about delivery, e-books, credit card payments, and copy write insurance.

Photographer to document OHD—It was suggested that we get someone to commit to document the celebration in pictures. Dyrace, Josh Marshall, and Lauren Lahar were mentioned.

Dusty brought up scheduling a meet and greet with the book author and cover artist.

The next business meeting is May 3 at 6:30. The Book Committee will meet that evening at 5:30.

Roger made a motion to adjourn. Stan seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:00

Respectfully submitted,

Liz LeBrun, Secretary