Historical Society Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Historical Society Meeting Minutes 6-7-23

Attendance: Elizabeth Whitham, Sandi Noel, Roger Maxfield, DeeDee Tranfaglia, Stanley Prescott, Liz LeBrun, Michele York, Lucy Gordon, Dusty Bowles

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm. Michele made a motion to accept the May meeting minutes as printed. Lucy seconded the motion.

The yearly funds have been spent paying for the ornaments and $600 was taken from savings.

We have sold about 50 town history books. The town will be sending out any books requested to be mailed.

The yard sale earned $503. Sixteen books were sold there. We will put a book in the time capsule along with a picture of current Historical Society members.


Calendar-The committee met today to scan pictures and put together folders. The calendar will be ready for the Christmas Expo.

Float- The committee has good ideas to advertise the book and represent a barn-raising. Ollie Fifield is excited about helping. Michele is lining up people to ride on the float.

The bake sale-The Old Home Day baking contest entries should be sold at the Historical Society sale.

Games-We will have a pie-eating contest. Dusty has the ropes for the tug-o-war. Sacks are needed for sack races. Michele will get old time style prizes such as yoyos, tops and pick-up sticks.

Scavenger Hunt- The questions are completed. We must determine where to turn in completed forms.

History Book-The book sale will run all day at the field under a pop up.

Time Capsule- Contents for both old and new capsule will be displayed. The new one will be buried Sunday toward the corner of Charlie’s Barn nearest the Museum.

Church Service-Each church will bring chairs for their congregations. The service has been moved to 8:30 at the request of the pastors.

Banner-The banner is picked up and will be hung after July 4th.

Photographer-Michele’s granddaughter is willing to take on the job.

Ornaments-They are done and ready to be shipped. There were 11 overruns that are not numbered. Number 250 will go in the time capsule. Number 1 will be raffled.

We have a letter from Primex Insurance. We discussed whether we had to give up the 501(c) 3 designation. Roger will follow up.

There is a book signing on July 19 and we will supply refreshments.

The next business meeting will be July 12 at 6:30,

A motion made by Dusty to adjourn the meeting. DeeDee seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.