Old Home Day Info

Old Home Day Committee can be reached at: loudonoldhomeday@gmail.com

When is Old Home Day?

Old Home Day will be held Saturday, August 10, 2024

Committee Members
Terri Barton - Chair
Mark Godzik -Co-Chair
Alicen Twardosky - Treasurer
needed - Secretary
Susan Gelinas - Parade
Janice Sinclair
Ken Ward
Nick Gelinas
Matt Thistle - horseshoe and cornhole tournaments

Is there Music & Dance?

Yes, throughout the day and with a live band from 6-10 p.m. with a break for fireworks

Can our pet come?

No, there are no pets allowed.

Is there a parade? When?

Yes, the parade begins at 10:00 - leading the way are antique cars and motorcycles followed by the rest of the parade. For more information, contact Susan Gelinas (603)783-9272. * (the parade is just one parade now – antique cars and motorcycles will start off the main parade) NO POLITICAL ENTRIES ACCEPTED

How do I get a booth spot?

Contact Terri Barton - terripetersbarton@gmail.com

How do I enter the Bake Contest?

For entry and category information, see The Loudon Ledger.

What is this year's theme for Old Home Day?


How do I nominate someone for Citizen of the Year?

All you need to do is obtain a Citizen of the Year form from the insert in the Loudon Ledger, or go to loudonoldhomeday.com and mail completed form to:
P O Box 7050
Loudon, NH 03307